How to Focus in an Impatient World

How to Focus in an Impatient World

It seems so strange to remember when a 28.8K dial up modem was an upgrade. You old farts like me remember this, right?

A simple computer re-boot could take an easy ten minutes. ‘Now-a-days’ people can’t wait five seconds at a green light before honking at the inattentive person in front of them (myself included), because that person didn’t have the patience to not check their phone, makeup in the mirror, or realize driving is a skill not a right or a privilege.  However, if you’re listening to Bohemian Rhapsody all is forgiven.

Today, everything is “instant.” Yet, in just a few more years, we’ll collectively look back and think, “Wow, how were things so slow and out-of-date?” I wonder though, if we, as people, as individuals, as a society, can keep up with the pace that life continues to demand?

Time has fascinated humankind…forever. We want more, or less of it, we yearn to re-live old moments and memories, or completely eradicate them. We wish we had more time in the day, or could speed up the monotony of our boring everyday lives. As you faithful few followers of Ironic Blog know, I don’t like to do much (okay, ANY) research, but here’s an interesting read that won’t take you long…and, will actually lengthen your day…if that’s what you’re looking for.  INTERESTING.

The bottom line, for me, is that my focus in life has changed. Whether it’s growing older, overcoming a life threatening illness, or simply maturing, I seem to notice more around me than ever. What I’m noticing is, most people aren’t noticing much of anything around them. We’ve reached a point where it’s more comforting to connect with the digital relationships we’ve cultivated than the physical ones around us. For me personally, that’s sad. Yet, for many, it provides great comfort. I’m not here to judge what’s right or wrong, I’m simply making an observation I hope some of you can relate to.

So, you may be thinking, how do I focus my life, better myself and those around me, use my skills and talents to make this world a better place, when everything around me is so self-centered and fickle? I’m not presuming to have the answer, but my gut instinct tell me this…slow…the fuck…down. Right now. In five minutes. In general, in life. It’s so easy to become such a selfish, arrogant little shit, crying and whining about every little thing that doesn’t happen immediately, and it’s okay, I’ll say it, it’s not your fault. It’s not your fault. It isn’t your fault Will…

Okay, now I’m stealing lines from Good Will Hunting, and damn it, I miss Robin Williams, but honestly, I think I spend so much time being pissed at stupid people that I forget to realize most the time it isn’t people’s fault, they really have no clue how to process anything in a world that demands we are all know-it-alls. “Google it, dumbass!”

No, I’ve never heard anyone actually say that, though it’s not out of the realm of my imagination. Hell, I could even say something that cruel. BTW, if I ever do, the appropriate response is, “Why don’t you, Ask Jeeves, DICK!?”

So once again, I’ve left your pondering…why the hell do I continue to read this crap? BUT, if you actually read the link I posted, you’ll now know, I’ve extended your day, you lucky bastard! Because you’ve read, you’ve learned something new. You’ve taken 10 seconds away from your routine of life that literally thrusts you from one obligation to the next, without any regard for your true hopes and dreams. You’ve learned. You’ve grown. You’re a better person…maybe. But truthfully, with sincerity, bravo, for taking, if even just a little time for yourself, whether you’re richer, poorer, smarter, dumber, luckier, or just plain bored. We live in a world so fast it’s mind spinning, and at the end of the day most of us are just trying our best to get by. I’ll admit it, I’m no different, but as G.I. Joe once taught me, knowing is half the battle!

TEASER ALERT: New things will be coming soon to IRONIC BLOG, probably a big website overhaul, some captivating real-time travel experiences as I’m headed to Ukraine again and most likely Papua New Guinea, and most importantly, some VIDEO CONTENT to jazz this all up a bit! STAY TUNED LOYAL FOLLOWERS, it’s only gonna get bigger, better, and more ironic.

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