iPhone X – An Honest Review

iPhone X – An Honest Review

If you’re in the .001% of the population like me, you upgrade your phone every 5 years or so. I know, I’m a bizarre exception to the general rule that you upgrade your phone every year or two, or whenever a major new game-changing innovation comes out. For me, the iPhone X was none of these things, but a necessary leap into the modern world as my now archaic iPhone5 was literally coming apart at the seams. That’s right, not…

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Christmas in November?

Christmas in November?

There’s no denying, Christmas is my favorite holiday of the year. While every other holiday generally has just one big thing going for it, Christmas seems to have it all. From Santa Clause to Jesus Christ, colorful lights to gingerbread cookies, come December, it’s Christmas time. Except, this year, it seems that people didn’t get the memo that we haven’t even had Thanksgiving yet. I don’t mean to be a Grinch, but come on people; we all have calendars on…

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Kauai Travel & Dining Guide

Kauai Travel & Dining Guide

Hawaii is great. You have all the plusses of a tropical island vacation without even needing a passport. No currency exchange, no laws or customs to learn, just pure enjoyment for people of all ages, as long as you know how to do it right. Whether you’re looking to bump up those ‘likes’ by jazzing up your Instagram or blog photos (wink, wink), get wasted on Mai Tai’s and other assorted drinks with Pineapple garnish, watch your children swim with…

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Diet Secrets – How I Lost 20 Pounds and Kept It Off

Diet Secrets – How I Lost 20 Pounds and Kept It Off

Nothing is more inspiring than a story of weight loss and transformation.  I’m proud to say in March, I was a fat and out of shape 186 lbs.  Now, six months later, I’m down one belt size (which hasn’t happened…EVER) and holding strong at a pudgy and out of shape 166.  What’s my secret?  Simple.  Cancer. That’s right, nothing sheds those pesky pounds like a healthy diagnosis of tongue Cancer; Squamous Cell Carcinoma to be precise. I was diagnosed shortly…

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